Sunday, April 26, 2009

NAB Wrap-up


Here's some things I saw at NAB this week.

Playing for Change: Peace through Music - Jonathan Walls
Over 3 years in the making, "Playing For Change: Peace through Music"is the 2nd film born out of an idea director Mark Johnson had while watching two Monks play music in a NYC Subway 10 years ago. It is a powerful documentary that takes us around the globe then brings us together through the simple but transformative power of music. Co-director and editor of Playing for Change: Peace through Music, Jonathan Walls will present.

Author a Replicatable Blu-ray disc on a Mac
"Digital guy" Bruce Nazarian will be on hand with a very special announcement: You can now author a REPLICATABLE Blu-ray disc ENTIRELY on a Macintosh. Works with ANY Mac Blu-ray authoring program and you will be amazed at how simple it is.

JVC’s Craig Yanagi with help from DOP Tim Dashwood will show off the brand new “instant editing” GY-HM700 Camcorder.

The very first customizable music plug-in for FCP
For the first time on the planet -- Larry Jordan will give one of the first public demonstrations of the highly anticipated new Final Cut Pro music plug-in from SmartSound. Watch closely as Larry effortlessly turns scoring markers into fully produced and edited music for his Final Cut Pro projects. Roundtrip editing with control over timing and instrumentation make music creativity a simple task for every visual producer. Say hello to the new go-to music solution for Final Cut Pro. This is brand-new and amazing stuff!

Syncing the Impossible

5 P2 cameras, 6 wireless microphones, freestyle shooting, a Sound Devices 788T recording 8 tracks of audio, and less than a week from shoot to air. How would you bring this all together in Final Cut Pro?
Jeremy Garchow, Creative Cow Leader, Editor and Post Production
Supervisor at Maday Productions, was tasked with the opportunity to organize and edit all of the elements to make a commercial for the Chicago Blackhawks. Totaling over 6 hours of real time shot material to edit down to 60 seconds, Jeremy faced this challenge by having super-fast access to the native P2 media and auto-syncing with external audio, all with free run time code and a clap slate. MXF4mac and sequenceLiner fired it all over to Final Cut Pro, ready to edit through a workflow never seen before.

Wounded Marines Careers Foundation
The current class from the Wounded Marines Careers Foundation in San Diego returns to the SuperMeet to show off their latest video.

Share the love: FCP and CS4 Production Premium
Adobe’s Jason Levine will show off workflows between FCP and CS4 Production Premium.

Blackmagic Design presents Arthur C. Smith: The Arctic Frontier and Digital Filmmaking
Polar bears, climate change, and Alaska's offshore oil are hot media topics, yet for the digital filmmaker, working in the arctic is cold business. Hear and see how Alaska documentary filmmaker, Arthur C. Smith III is using the tools of digital cinema to produce award-winning films like Ice Bears of the Beaufort.
From acquisition to post, Smith's arctic-based PolarArt Productions has brought the digital age to the arctic frontier.

The Coca-Cola Pavilion and the Adidas Spiral Theater at the Beijing Olympics
Kim Salyer of Video Arts and Joanne Dorgan freelance producer/editor will present a case study about the Coca-Cola Pavilion and the Adidas Spiral Theater at the Beijing Olympics. The Coca-Cola Olympic Pavilion Venue showcased numerous site-specific media including one video that was projected over a 40-ft. screen. The Adidas Theater, the first of it’s kind, was a 3-tier spiral walkway with lined with continuous video panels spanning 354 feet long and 6.5 feet wide. The Video Arts Team will show media from the initial 3D models and client elements to the finished project.

Indy workflow and Red
Filmmaker and Red Guru Steve Sherrick will give us a primer on Indy style Red workflow and show us Red Footage

Clip Finder App.

Crimson App.

Iphone Teleprompter

Red Rocket Plays 4k in Real Time 10mb/s

Cinetal Monitors 42 inch Version + Davio

JL Cooper Control Boards

AJA Ki Digital Disk Recorder

New Keyer for Lustre, Red native support

Scratch 4K Playback

Blackmagic UltraScopes

take care


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